
Lost Children – What to do
kids having fun at a party

During events, a lot of things are usually going on at the same time. Which is why the possibility that children can get lost should never be ruled out. In light of this, you, as an event manager, need to plan ahead for situations like this.

Make sure that you take all the necessary steps to ensure the safety of all your attendees’ children. But as you plan well and hope for the best, prepare yourself for the worst. This way, no situation will meet you unprepared—nothing even in the case of lost children.

Here are some of the vital steps you must take if you want to control the issue of lost children at the events you organise.

Have a suitable lost children point

Having a specific place where lost children can be safely stationed till their parents come and get them is a core part of event child care. And if you want this safety point to be effective, you have to set it up properly.
Start by making sure that there is a special canopy or space to serve as the lost child point. This will enable whoever sees a lost child to know where to take them. Parents will also know the best place to find their lost children.


Employ the appropriate security staff

When you have the right people working with you, lost children will be found and reunited with their parents in no time. This is why you should employ a highly-qualified and licenced organisation to monitor the children at all times.

Your lost child point staff has to be competent. They must have had enough training and proven experience to handle cases of lost children.

Follow the right procedure before releasing lost children

So everyone knows to come to the lost child point to pick up a lost kid. But do you just release a child to anyone who claims to be their parents? Absolutely not!
Even if a child seems familiar or friendly with an adult, it is wrong to simply let them have the child without following due process. So check for valid IDs and have them complete some paperwork before allowing them to take the child.

Partner with a company that offers lost child care services

When the child care company at your event is also focused on providing lost child care services, you will have less work on your hands and more security at your event.
This will give you enough time and energy to focus on the planning of the main event while the professionals handle the issue of lost children.


You can never do too much when it comes to the protection of children. So invest enough time and make sure that all children are accounted for. It will save your reputation and protect you from legal problems later.

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